- AI Engineering
- Assimilate Hugging Face
- Build a Large Language Model from Scratch
- Building LLM Powered Applications
- Foundations of Amazon Bedrock: From Concepts to Implementation
- Inside AI
- Introduction to Github Models
- LangChain Masterclass - Build 15 OpenAI and LLAMA 2 LLM Apps Using Python
- LLM Engineer's Handbook
- LLMs in Production
- Open Source LLMs on AWS: From Research to Production
- Practical ML Ops
- Projects in Machine Learning: From Beginner to Professional
- The Essential Machine Learning Foundations: Math, Probability, Statistics, and Computer Science (Video Collection)
- Automated Testing
- Build Quality In
- Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD): A Practical Guide to Designing and Developing Pipelines
- Mastering Github Actions
- The DevOps Handbook
- Accelerating Server-Side Development with Fastify
- Developing Web Components with Svelte : Building a Library of Reusable UI Components
- Frontend at Scale
- GraphQL in Action
- Modern Full-Stack React Projects
- Practical GraphQL: Learning Full-Stack GraphQL Development with Projects
Functional Programming
- Functional Programming in JavaScript
- Reactive Programming
- Strange Code
- The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
- 52 Weeks of AWS - The Complete Series
- Amazon Web Services in Action
- Developing Infrastructure as Code with Terraform
- Docker Up and Running
- Getting Started with Kubernetes
- Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginner
- Seven Databases in Seven Weeks
- Terraform Fundamentals
- Effective TypeScript
- Learning TypeScript
- Modern JavaScript for the Impatient
- Modern JavaScript from the Beginning - Second Edition
- React Application Architecture for Production
- The Ultimate React Course
- Total TypeScript
- Typescript: The Complete Developer's Guide
- 97 Things Every Engineering Manager Should Know: Collective Wisdom from the Experts
- Become an Effective Software Engineering Manager: How to Be the Leader Your Development Team Needs
- Managing Humans: More Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager, 4th Edition
- Remote Engineering Management
- The Manager's Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change
- Combining and Filtering Data with PostgreSQL 9
- Statistics and Mathematics for Data Science and Data Analytics
- Statistics for Data Science and Business Analysis
Product Development
- Becoming a Leader in Product Development: An Evidence-Based Guide to the Essentials
- End-to-end Data Analytics for Product Development
- Escaping the Build Trap
- Experiment-Driven Product Development: How to Use a Data-Informed Approach to Learn, Iterate, and Succeed Faster
- Fundamentals of Analytics Engineering
- Practical User Research: Everything You Need to Know to Integrate User Research to Your Product Development
- Product Development
- The Value Flywheel Effect
- Usability Testing for Non-UX Professionals: Connect with Users, Test and Improve Your Products, and Get Better at Your Job as a Product Manager, Developer, or Engineering Manager
- UX Research
- Advanced Web Development in Python with Django
- Architecture Patterns with Python
- Complete Python Scripting for Automation
- Enterprise Automation with Python
- Flask Framework Cookbook
- Full Stack Flask and React
- Introduction to Django
- Robust Python
- The Ultimate Flask Course
- Web Development in Python with Django: Building Backend Web Applications and APIs with Django
- Web Programming with Python
Software Construction
- Code complete
- Code review skills for emotionally intelligent developers
- Design Patterns in the Real World, an Analysis-Based Approach
- Implementing Effective Code Reviews: How to Build and Maintain Clean Code
- Modern Software Engineering
- The Mikado Method
- Working Effectively with Legacy Code
- Your Code as a Crime Scene
System Design
- Acing the System Design Interview
- Architecture Modernization
- Become an Awesome Software Architect: Book 1
- Building Evolutionary Architectures
- Building Micro Frontends
- Designing Data-Intensive Applications
- Expert AWS Development
- Micro Frontends in Action
- Monolith to Microservices
- Observability Engineering
- Scaling frontend applications with micro-front ends
- Software Architecture Patterns for Serverless Systems
- Solving Identity Management in Modern Applications: Demystifying OAuth 2, OpenID Connect, and SAML 2
- System Design Fundamentals
- System Design Interview: Mastering Basic Introduction to System Analysis and Design
- The Art of Micro Frontends
- Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations
- Applied Hugging Face
- AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Complete Video Course
- AWS Cloud Practitioner Bootcamp 2023
- Build: An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making
- Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design
- Designing for Performance
- Docker for the Absolute Beginner: Hands On
- Engineering Management for the Rest of Us
- Fluent React
- Frontend Architecture for Design Systems
- Fundamentals of Software Architecture
- Github Actions Cookbook
- Introduction to Generative AI
- Jump Start Web Performance
- Leading Snowflakes: The Engineering Manager Handbook
- Learn Enough Python to be Dangerous: A Tutorial Introduction to Programming with Python
- Machine Learning, Data Science and Generative AI with Python
- Mastering the System Design Interview
- Modern Front-end Architecture: Optimize Your Front-end Development with Components, Storybook, and Mise en Place Philosophy
- More Effective Agile: A Roadmap for Software Leaders
- Practical Python: Learn Python Basics Step by Step - Python 3
- Pro JavaScript Design Patterns
- Production-Ready Microservices
- Python Foundation: Quick Jump Start for Programmers
- Rocking System Design
- Small Language Models
- Software Architecture Patterns
- Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art
- Staff Engineer: Leadership beyond the management track
- Starting Kanban
- The Mentoring Manual
- The Missing README
- The Senior Software Engineer: 11 Practices of an Effective Technical Leader
- The Staff Engineer's Path
- Time is Money
- Web Components Demystified
- Web Performance in Action
- Web Performance Optimization Basics
- Web Performance Warrior